George, our new barn cat, has been bringing a friend by for meal times the last few days. This poor sweetie has seen some rough days. His face is misshapen - either from a fight or from a car, he weighs no more than about two pounds and when you touch his back, all you feel are the points along his backbone. Fur and bones, seriously, is what this cat is made up of. I'm not really sure what's keeping this kitty upright, he's that skinny. Fortunately, he's got an appetite and I'm feeding him morning and night:
People who don't care for their animals should go to jail. I feel pretty strongly about this.
ooo that poor cat.It sucks that they have to go threw stuff so cruel. i wonder if there are more cats that he left behind.
ReplyDeleteHorrid people should never be allowed to have animals ever again! When and if they are let out of jail!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sorry I haven't replied to your comments re Evie and the pups.... They are HERE!!!
LiBBiE in Oz
Oh no...not jail, lovie.....that's too easy. I am a fan of the Eye for an Eye Club................
ReplyDeleteHorse and Man just posted a terrible story of starving horses
and we just had a case of a 3 year old dog being tied to a picnic table in -20 weather this past week. There is just so much neglect. *sigh*
Huzzah! for your kind heart! Kitty will thrive with some milk and some love!
Bless your animal-loving heart - and George's - for pointing this little guy to the food. Abandoning animals should be a hanging offense.
ReplyDeleteOh my, thank you for taking care of that poor thing. I completely agree that they should go to jail. If they did the same to their children or elderly parents they would. Why should animals be any different?
ReplyDeleteThose barn cats will pay you back with many, many hours of rodent patrol.
They always send one out first to check for people, and see if they will take it and then they always bring more out of the wood little critters, everytime we take one in a week later another shows do you think we ended up with five cats right now? are on a roll there Danni....and really who can send those faces away and out in the cold, sure not an animal lover. I always make sure we get every cat that shows up and seems to stay neuter and spayed, not to add to the unwanted population. Poor little souls, hope his friend can stay too. Hey join the club of old cat ladies lol.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Animal neglect and cruelty laws are not strong enough.
ReplyDeleteYes, they should. I definitely agree with you on that.
ReplyDeleteSo sad. Even half starved it's such a beautiful cat.
Awe... poor kitty! The thing about moving to the country that was hardest for me to adjust to - was the attitude some people had about animals. They shouldn't be considered a disposable nuisance. We would occasionally go out to the barn to check on our critters and find a random cat eating out of our barn cat's dish. Funny thing is - the barn cats would all be laying up on the hay and just calmly watching - like it was a good deed they were doing..sharing. The cat at the dish would freak at the sight of us humans and scamper off though. Best of luck with the new kitties. You just know they have found a bit of joy in their lives by finding your caring home to run to.
ReplyDeletePoor kitty! It is amazing how they can survive being so skinny.(and I'm sure many do not.) I've had a few animals show up this skinny.... just skin and bones. They make some of the best farm animals because they seem to really appreciate the food and attention you give them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your opinion about jail for those who don't take care of or abandon their animals.
I'm glad George brought him to you!
I'm so glad they've found you.
ReplyDeletePeople who don't care for their animals properly SHOULD go to jail.
How lucky for those cats that you are there to help them.
It appears that George waited to see if he could trust you and then invited a guest to dinner. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Have a great Sunday!
ReplyDeletewhen I saw the title to your post off of Linda's site, I went "oh no... surely "*&^%-neighbor-who-abandons-pets" would have mentioned another one to you. I bet this one has been on her own for a bit and following George around. Amazing they are eating side by side and are friends. Poor little girl.
ReplyDeleteI do have to laugh a bit, though. You who does not "do" cats now have 2 who would like to call you mom :) They're that way, you know. The attach to people they know they need to win over to the "cat" way of life. One did it to me!
Oh..that poor baby..He/she's probably thinking he's in heaven right now to have found a safe harbor in your,and good people, friendly animals..I wonder if there are more to come..or some that just didn't make it at all..thats pathetic..leaving them behind..I'm with you..they should be in jail!! I thank you for being the caring person you are and giving them another chance at life..they might not have otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! Poor kitty. I'm glad george brought him around.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Danni! Thank goodness for you those sweet kitties are witnessing the kindness of humans. Bless you!
ReplyDeleteNot just sent to jail - but starved as they do their pets. A person who treats their pet poorly also treats their spouse and children the same. They lack respect for any form of life.
ReplyDeleteI agree about people who dont care for animals going to jail. It makes me so angry. You are doing a good thing taking care of those kitties. :-)
ReplyDeleteI fully agree!
ReplyDeleteBut a word of advice, Worm them! Either ask your vet for wormer that can go in their food or look for it at your feed store. You'll see him make some serious progress in the weight department...
The Magic 8-Ball is never wrong, Critter Farm was not full! Of course, my prediction of sheep was a little off....
ReplyDeleteJust caught up on the last three posts. The foggy tour was enjoyed. Sounds like a very fun time with the neice and nephew. And so sad about the new cat. I hope he/she will be able to recover.
ReplyDeleteThat is one sorry looking kitty. What a blessing that you're there and feeding him and his guardian angel, George. I love that George brought him to your place knowing that they would be safe and cared for. I'd hate to tell you what I think should happen to people who abuse animals, in any shape or form. I will say that it involves medieval forms of torture.
ReplyDeleteSo, what you gonna call this sweet new soul?
Your heart is big and very loving. I am so glad these kitties have you to care about them. You know how much I love cats. A check up by a vet would be a good thing too when they tame up a bit more.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you! I'll help you butt them across the pasture - or farther! Mr. Cat really is a handsome guy. Good thing he has you, Danni!
ReplyDeleteNow you have two cats? Love it! Hope your allergies are ok.
ReplyDeleteBless you sweetie!! I'm surprised the ex-neighbor even fessed up to once owning George.
ReplyDeleteI was going to repeat what Tisha said---get them both wormed. It could be that the severe weight loss from kitty number 2 could be because of a parasite load. Luckily, his eyes looks nice and bright with no sign of drainage (kitty cold/flu).
I guess since you're so wildly allergic to cats, it might be wise of hubby or Aiden to take them to the vet. My vet will do dogs/cats if he is out on a ranch call for horses, etc.
That sweet kitty. That awful neighbor. I'm so mad I cannot say anything else right now.
ReplyDeleteIs it thoughtlessness, stupidity or cruelty? Whatever the cause, it is criminal! Recently I have been overwhelmed with stories of inhuman behavior in our area, from animal hoarders to complete neglect of beautiful, defenseless beings. All of us do what we can, and those who don't should and will be prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteThanks, farmgirl, for doing your part unerringly!
Gosh, Danni- it makes me wonder if there are other cats out there that were abandoned by the same stupid neighbor. Mr. Funny Face is cute...
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad they found you. Good that the neighbor moved away and I hope nothing good comes into his life. You are so right people like him should go to jail.
ReplyDeleteLucky for all these animals that there are people around who are willing to take care of them. I agree with you, people should be punished if they 'fail' an animal. If they can't take care of it then they should at least take it to a shelter so someone else can! There is no shame in admitting you can't look after an animal but there is plenty in abandoning or being cruel!
ReplyDeleteYou know what they say..two barn cats are better than one.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kindness in feeding that poor cat. He is so lucky to have you. You are probably the first kind and loving person he has ever met...
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for people like you. Stupid-neighbor-who-abandons-animals should go to jail. The little one is so pitiful. I wish I could help.
ReplyDeleteanother thought...hey! i thought you said there wasn't any more room at the farm!
ReplyDeletebut i'm so happy for your new kitty. he couldn't have landed anywhere better.
Thank goodness there are people like you who will pick and take care of the forgotten animals. Bless you. And I agree, there is special place for people who are cruel to animals when they die and it's not heaven.
ReplyDeleteI really beleive that animals, cats especially 'know' where to go to get help and food when they need it. I have had a number of cats that I got that way and they were always worth it. Animals are at the bottom of the list for those that want to do 'good' in this world. Any one that takes in the abandoned ones has my thanks. All of our dogs, horses, and cats were 'unwanted' at one time. Yes we should put anyone in jail that abuses an animal or child.
ReplyDeleteOh, Danni. That little kitty just breaks my heart. Thank goodness George brought his friend to you. I bet this kitty is going to bed with a full belly and a smile of her face for the first time in a long, long time. You're such a good critter person.
ReplyDeleteYou're so good to include George's friend at your kitty food table. All the best to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteAnd whether there is room or not..all critters big and small and lost and in need - and your big loving and caring open-heartedness - that's what makes the world a better place.
ReplyDeleteAnimal abandonment is illegal and might be worth reporting. Not sure how far they will pursue it, but it is a thought.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog so far!
Blast and damn those people! And bless you for taking those poor, abandoned kitties into your heart. I do the same thing often, and I've rarely regretted it. I must admit, though, that I sometimes hesitate before going into my house, bracing for the occasionally overwhelming love barrage of the 4 dog, 3 cat welcome home onslaught.
ReplyDeletePoor moggy, but not so poor for long! Words getting around Danni, who knows what will turn up next!
ReplyDeleteI can hear the purrs from here! Thank you for taking kitty in.
ReplyDeleteThere is no punishment sufficient for abandoning an animal.