It has rained so hard for the last 24 hours, even rugged, weather-resistent Kai llama didn't need much coaxing to come under cover for breakfast this morning.
Chester and Beau were insistent that a towel dry was the least that should be offered at this fine establishment.
Mr. Goldy, my stock tank goldfish, has been through some challenges lately. (You can read about how Mr. Goldy came to be at Critter Farm here.)
He went from being snowed in...
to iced in...
to what will, most likely, be flood stage by tonight...
Meanwhile, back in the rainstorm, while the big animals stood under cover chewing hay, they all had a good laugh at me trying to muck poop out of puddles.
Though they couldn't quite figure out my fascination with the patterns the downpours are making on their mineral blocks.
That's ok. I'm not ashamed to say I am keeping myself entertained any way I can until the sun starts shining again.
Oh. One more thing. There's a new face here on the farm.
He's very big and very wild and has decided he really likes eating Clyde's food that I keep up at the barn. I'm monitoring this situation closely because there has been some evidence of scuffling in the barn that might indicate a territory war. I am concerned that shy Clyde might be being bullied and this will not do. Perhaps this new guy just needs to have someone explain the Critter Farm rules to him?