Sunday, April 10, 2011

Slug Art

Formerly known as "Daffodil":

Also known as my very first Photoshop Elements project.

Here's the original photo:

And here's a picture of two chickens telling secrets, in case you don't care about photo editing software. :-)


  1. Love the secret telling chickens. I wonder what secrets they are sharing?

  2. Was that daffodil really eaten? Those hens are cute, I've always thought it was funny when they did that.

  3. I have some very fine art work on my daffodils as well. The artists have been working overtime in my garden, even adorning some of the upcoming tulips! Don't you just love the artistic touch?

  4. The chickens are so cute exchanging secrets. What do you suppose they are talking about?

  5. Hmmmm ... I use Photo Shop and I've gotta figure out how you did that!

    With the hens telling secrets, I wonder what those girls are up to this morning.

  6. Oh, I was hoping for a picture of the giant, dog poo sized slugs. Oh well, maybe another day. :)

  7. I know. They're out. I try not to let them near the Peanuts.

  8. That is one hell of an appetite on that slug. Good gracious.

    I *love* the hens telling secrets.

  9. Better watch those two! They may be plotting against you! Chicken revolt!

  10. We had slugs by the pound until we got the guineas. They have kept them in control. I hate slugs. Ewww.

  11. Love both. Cute title for the daffodil and very nice photoshop project! The chicken whisperers are very cute too. At least they are having a quiet moment. There are times I would love mine to whisper secrets instead of shout orders. :)

  12. Do chickens eat slugs, perhaps? I know they eat tomato horn worms.

    Cool Photoshop work.

  13. I just love how you added the chicken secrets picture, you are a sly one!

    I so enjoy a mixture of color and black and white photography, can't wait to see more.

  14. I saw the title of the post and was expecting some neat photo of an intricate slimy trail along a rock or something. POOR daffodil! That makes me sad!
    Photo editing...I really ought to get busy learning more on that. It would be a good thing to do.
    I love the chickens telling secrets!

  15. Did the slugs do that? Really? What on earth.

    Selective coloring is a great step, because then you realize you can apply other effects selectively too. Happy learning! Elements is a powerful tool.


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