Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What happens when you forget

...that you've left a bowl of raspberries in the downstairs pantry:

First, you wonder what that smell is:

Then it dawns on you. You shake your head disgustedly and think "what a waste":

Even Roxy's embarrassed for the person who did this:

Though she is kind enough not to name any names.


  1. aw that stinks, no pun intended. I hate when stuff goes bad because we have forgotten about it. I always feel so guilty.. lol

  2. So cute.
    At least the bowl wasn't full. Looks like only about a pint.

  3. yes, Roxy is sympathetic that way! Could you feed them to anyone? Or would the mold make them sick? Sorry about the forgotten raspberries - it's OK - it could happen to anyone. Take care, from KY.

  4. first the dried up frog, now the moldy rasberries?? c'mon Danni! :)

    moldy fruit is unfortunately a regular occurence here. and I always say the same thing: "what a waste". I even bought those green bags, but you have to actually use them to have them work....

  5. Bummer. Yesterday when I got home, my husband told me what a good boy he'd been. He finished splitting the last of the wood, and he ate raspberries off the plants.

  6. roxy is looking at it like she wishes it was hamburger!

  7. Damn, I hate when that happens.

    On the upside, that is one gorgeous bowl!

    Roxy is so funny. I love that girl.

  8. It made for interesting pictures...seems like you could take that mold and do something with it, like make penecillin or something

  9. Gee, I would have eaten it anyway. Just kidding.
    Every once in a while I find a similar surprise in the back of my veggie drawer in the frig. Makes me shudder but then I clean out the whole refrigerator. So something good can come of mini disasters like mold takeover.

  10. oooooppssssseeeeee! Happens to the best of us Danni...not YOU or ME...but you know everyone else!

  11. Kind, kind Roxy. How cute. :)

    That stinks! I'm sure that was not a pleasant surprise for you.

  12. Um, festive for the up coming holidays? They look like there is snow on them. Okay, maybe gray snow! lol

  13. I'm guilty of this so many times...I feel so badly that I've wasted food. I'm not glad that you've wasted food...nor am I trying to make you feel worse. I'm just trying to make myself feel better :)

  14. Nice and fuzzy!
    Don't you hate when that happens?

  15. oh no!

    Onward and forward, right?!


  16. You are growing furry raspberries!

  17. That is kind of Roxy not to name names. I hate it when I do things like that! Especially with lovely things like fruit. is a pretty bowl. :)

  18. I'm amazed Roxy was willing to sit that close to something that doesn't smell too good. I had to laugh because it reminded me of the potatoes I had them laid out to cure. I had a couple that went bad and Riley, one of my cats, was kind enough to try and bury it for me. :)

  19. I am amazed you have raspberrys, and strawberrys.
    I did that with a pound of hamburgar, I put it down on my table of rummage sale stuff and forgot it, Yuck!


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