Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Good morning from my barn attic


  1. Well, hello there my bat "friend".

  2. I don't do bats. Nope. We don't get along well at ALL.

  3. Good for keep the mosquito population down. But they still give me the creeps!

  4. Why, hello Mr. Bat. Or is it Mrs. Hmmm.
    Great pics!
    Bats are wonderful. Wish we had more so they could eat those pesky,buzzing, biting mosquitos.

  5. is the day i wish I HADN'T read your blog. I really don't like bats :( And your photos are way too close for comfort! Good luck with your visitor...they are good for bugs...i just don't like looking at them!

  6. i love bats and how awesome that you can just stroll in your barn and see one!
    i've been meaning to buy a bat house for awhile. i wanted this one but it just sold,

  7. Nice barn attic! No wonder he chose it to take a nap in. It looks like a pretty cool place to hang out!

  8. I love them, the bats. If we stand still enough in the summer, they'll swoop us in the back yard.

  9. Good bug eaters them bats are. This one looks like a new arrival to the barn attic. Looks like it is decision time.

  10. Ewwww, I have some of those in my barn too. I know their great for eating bugs, but I still think they're just rats with wings. Ick.

  11. Ahhh what a cutie...I think!! Did you build a bat house yet Danni? Me either.....but this summer for sure. Come on we can do it...if you can get a spool, you can build a bat house!

  12. Adorable!
    Don't tell my daughter I said that - she'd think me a traitor if she knew I really thought bats were cute!

  13. I realize what a vital role bats play in nature, however, bats and I do not need to be in close proximity to one another. In other words I am afraid of them!

  14. Love bats, so fun to watch them darting about - he/she is so cute.

  15. "She hangs by her feet, and she lives in a cave (or a barn attic). I do not believe that's how llamas behave. Oh I said, you are right about that. I think that your mama sounds more like a BAT!"
    Oh my!! You've got the makin's for a live version of "Is Your Mama a Llama" right there on your little farm. :)

  16. I had no idea so many of you didn't like bats! I am so fascinated with them, I automatically assume everyone else is, too. LOL. I have no problem standing around in the dark of my barn attic having them flutter around my head. I think they are just the coolest and do an incredible job keeping the nasty mosquito population down!

    Eve - I don't need a bat house...I've given them a bat BARN!!!

  17. I love bats. We have a bat house, but I haven't seen it used yet despite seeing bats flying around in the evenings...

  18. Nice barn attic!! The Bat well okay he can stay as long as he keeps to himself! LOL...Thats a great pic you got of him!

  19. gonna bring him to visit "Frugal Mom" next time you go? I'm sure she'd love that!!
    We used to get them in the theater's at work..we'd get a call on the radio..'BAT IN THE HOUSE" we'd grab our trusty bat net..catch him, give him a name,and call the animal take him somewhere..I'd love doing that..I hope he's still there when I come to visit!!

  20. oh danni that is the coolest, COOLEST thing!!

    I LOVE bats! I'm so jealous!!

    When my husband and I go for a walk in the local park, he always has to wait for me because I'm watching the bats!!

    Lucky you!!

  21. I adore anything that will eat a mosquito! I would love it if bats took up residence in the camel house...but I suppose they are smarter than that.

    I'm thinking of building a box to try to entice them.

    Great capture with your camera! Kim


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