Northwest Oregon has had an unusually warm and wet winter. Our daily temps have settled into a predictable pattern of highs in the mid 50's:
The crocuses and snowdrops are blooming, the frogs are making an incredible racket outside and my living room table looks like this:
The itch is too great. I can't wait any longer. It's seed starting time! Time to bring my precious box of saved seeds out of storage:
I've got the tomato and veggie seeds that I picked up in Germany last July:
Don't these look like fun?:
New sunflower varieties as well as leftovers from last year's sunflower garden are beckoning:
And I have a variety of other flower seeds that will hopefully bloom in my garden this summer:
I'm going to try my hand at hot pepper growing this year:
Our family adores fresh garden peas, Maestro shelling peas in particular, so I ordered an extra big bag of those:
I have heirloom tomato seeds that I saved from last year and some seeds saved for me by a special friend:
And this little basket holds everything else that I need to somehow find a spot for in my garden plots:
I treated myself to a small indoor/outdoor greenhouse rack last week. My seed trays are just waiting to be filled:
With as tickled as I am, Roxy wasn't impressed by any of it:
Just wait until the peas are ripe, though, and then we'll see who comes a begging!