When I posted about Roxy's surgery early this (gosh, it's after midnight, I guess this makes it yesterday now) morning, I had made a conscious decision to "put it out to the universe" (to borrow a phrase that my mom uses frequently) that I needed some support. While I appreciate the idea behind this particular phrase, I've always intensely disliked the way it sounds (which always makes my mom laugh when I tell her this), and so I never, ever use it. Which is why it's kind of funny now that I just said it. And also that I'm going to continue talking about it.
But in reality, for me today, it made sense. "Putting it out to the universe" - for me - meant sharing it with my blog world. It was my way of asking for support and comfort from a source that has frequently come to my aid.
(Roxy leaving for the vet clinic this morning:)
(Roxy being brought to me after her surgery:)
(Roxy's ride home:)
It's hard for me to express how comforting it was for me to know that other people, at least for a moment, had Roxy in their thoughts and were wishing her well. To then receive all the wonderful comments of support and friendship so many of you sent me... these soothed my heart and eased my furrowed brow. Thank you so much.
My pup is back home and resting comfortably now:
Thank you for helping us get through today.
She's such a sweetie. I am glad she is back home with you, safe, warm and loved. What a stressful day for both of you.
ReplyDeleteCall it whatever you want to call it, but "putting stuff out to the Universe" has always worked for me. Your Mom is wise, and I am happy that you included us in your Universe today.
My lady said that she understands that it's so very hard to leave your loved one at the hospital. Roxy looks confused and a wee bit ouchy but she will recover and be much happier with her "new" leg.
ReplyDeleteMany happy goat kisses and best wishes from me and you've lots of support from my lady. She's found that something like this makes her love her little 'uns all the more.
hi danni....i don't know why but i always get your posts in two's so i just read about roxy now. i am sooooo sorry to hear about this. my last chow, freddy, had this done twice. we literally spent 8 weeks sleeping on the floor with her. one of us was with her every minute of the day. she healed very well but it sure is a long haul. now they say they will heel the same even without the surgery. it is just awful having to go through this and i wish both of you the best! keep us posted on how she is doing!
ReplyDeleteDanni so happy that she came through her surgery with obvious flying colours, and a spiffy looking shaved leg. She looks very comfy, and you will both do well on the recovery road ahead. We are all here for you, and always remember a burden shared is a burden halved!
ReplyDeleteLiBBiE in Oz
Roxy, Winslow Homer and I are so happy to hear you are home safe and sound and resting comfortably. Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery, your friends from Maine-Julie and Winslow Homer.
ReplyDeleteGood news!! And in a week or two, at least that's how long it took with my cats, new fur will fuzz out on the shaved area, which always made me feel a bit better.
ReplyDeleteOh, my, that's a whole lot of shaving.
ReplyDeleteYou know, those of us out here in the universe are still sending healing thoughts your way.
I'm so glad to hear that Roxy's surgery was successful and that she's back home recovering. I hope she's willing to take it easy for a few days ~ and then, GOOD LUCK! As soon as Sable was recovered from the anesthesia and the worst of the discomfort after her surgery, she wanted to RUN. I had to take her out on a leash every time she had to go to the bathroom. It will all be worth it in the end and Roxy's a lucky girl to have such a loving, concerned Mom.
ReplyDeleteso glad she is home safely :) will keep her in prayers for recovery!
ReplyDeleteA burden shared is also halved.
ReplyDeleteSo that phrase now takes on a whole new meaning for lots of us who care for, and about our bloggie buddies...if we share what we are concerned about with the blogosphere our worries are carried by so many that we feel secure.
It was my pleasure and I will continue sending you and your furbaby healing thoughts.
Be well and give the poor shaved darling a pat for me.
The Olde Bagg
psssssst...we're going to see MBF long ears on Sunday but shhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone
So glad to have an update and to know that she is on the recovery road! I do sense a community of support in the blogs I follow and am honored to be on Roxy's (and yours too) team.
ReplyDeleteAww, sweetie girl is back where she belongs. :)
ReplyDeleteGlad to assist in comforting you, even from so far away.
Roxy looks wonderful! So happy for you both. FYI - after making a cup of coffee, the next thing I did this morning was check on Roxy.
ReplyDeleteWonderful! I forgot to mention if Roxy has a fenanyl pain patch it *may* blunt her appetite. Hurray for your lil'gal, what a trouper.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised they didn't put a collar on her, but now that I think about it, I don't remember if Tank had one; I don't know if they can reach their knees.
ReplyDeleteBe careful that she doesn't run when she starts feeling better. Tank did that and one of her interior sutures let go, and she was supposed to get a second surgery to repair it, but she seemed to be doing alright anyway and I really didn't want to put her through that hell and pain again, not to mention I couldn't afford it, do we let it go. She was fine though.
I hope Roxy's recovery is quick and complete!
It also made my heart warm and fuzzy reading through all your blog comments, Danni. Your "universe" really came through. Roxy looks like she did just fine and now will need your loving support to recuperate. You've both made it through this ordeal with flying colors and that makes me smile :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a darling she is. I look at that last picture of her in her basket and see that she is comforted. I'm so glad she has her loving home and wonderful care. Wishing you all a day of peace and rest.
ReplyDeleteAw. I didn't know about this until just now. I'm glad she's home safe and sound. I wish her a smooth, quick, and complete recovery.
ReplyDeleteBeing Roxy's second mom, I am so relieved she is home and healing. Wish I could hold her just a little bit and stroke her beautiful head. She is so intensely aware of how much you and her 'dad' love her. She trusts you completely - just look into her (slightly drugged) eyes!
ReplyDeleteGetting all this attention, Roxy may want to keep the shaved look and start a new doggie fashion trend.
Glad you tested the power of the universe thingy. Knowing that so many people are sending supportive and loving thoughts has tremendous healing power.
Oh Danni, i have been away from my blogs and haven't been keeping up. When i read about Roxy this morning, the prayers and the love started flowing. Please keep us updated and know that you and Roxy are loved and supported by so many people out here...love, mare
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeleteHurray for the successful surgery, looks like Roxy will be up and around in no time. That pictures is almost indecent! Get some clothes on Roxy the little hussy.
ReplyDeleteRoxy popped into my mind many times today. Thanks for posting that she is okay.
ReplyDeleteHope Roxy heals quickly. ♥
That's the wonder of the internet - you make friends, who care deeply and keep friends from feeling uncertain and low and flustered and sad - Roxy looks good to me! She will surprise you with her resilience! Get well soon, little girl!
ReplyDeleteSo glad Roxy made it home and the surgery was a success...what in the world would we do without our animal and blogging friends? Big Hug!
ReplyDeleteI am happy Roxy is home and seems the surgery went well. We all want our "babies" to be healthy and pain free! I can understand the need for support and encouragement, that's why you have friends. Lots of love to both of you. Wishing a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteSo glad little Roxy is home and on the mend.
ReplyDeleteI woke up this morning wondering about Roxy. I'm so relieved that she's home. Go ahead and pamper her. She might get used to it and she might not tell you when she's feeling better! Please give her an extra pat and tell her it's from me. Lots of love heading your way.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Roxy is safely home and healing. What an ordeal for that little farm girl. Hopefully it won't take too long for her to be back at your side, helping with the farm chores outside.
ReplyDeletePoor sweet Roxie. Thank goodness she has you and doesn't have to hobble around on three legs the rest of her life. She will soon be back to her chores....and her goats.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you chicken sister:)
As someone who has helped a dog through this the key is keeping her quiet....even when she doesn't feel like it.
i'm so glad roxie is back and home with you. i'm sure that is comforting for both of you. we will certainly keep you both in mind - and the chickens and other critters - in the next couple of weeks as you start on the next phase of this journey. needless to say that will likely prove "challenging" at least you will be together. we will be wishing you well.
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome! That is what friendship is all about.
ReplyDeleteWolfi says,"Roxy, get well. I want you to be happy!" Bill says he keeps repeating this phrase. And, to be honest, it's getting a little old.
ReplyDeleteI've written on my blog as well, when my beloved doggies have had surgery. I don't know why it helps, but it sure does. I'm so glad your puppy is home safely with you!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear the surgery went well and Roxy is recovering. I predict that she's going to amaze you with her ability to 'bounce back' and she'll be herding goats again in no time. Give her a little lovin' from all of us over here.
ReplyDeleteAbout the 'other thing'....I'm a big believer in universal connectedness, as you know, and I like to think of Bloggerland as my own Dream Team. A support group of people who hold only the best intentions for me and are there to offer words of encouragement, advice, and solace whenever it's needed. In other words, good friends.
Ohmygosh, Danni... I've been so out of it that I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm so happy to see that Roxy is home and is resting comfortably now. Sending extra warm thoughts and hugs your way. We miss you!
ReplyDeleteAwhhh..Roxy was just as anxious, and relieved to see you as you were to see Roxy..so glad for you and Roxy the worse is behind you now..time for healing and recouping, but at least she's home where she'll have your loving hands watching over her.
ReplyDeleteSorry I missed the earlier post, but I am glad she is home and on her way to a full recovery. I will send out good thoughts for that.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I got so behind on my blog reading that I wasn't able to send Roxy good thoughts before her surgery, but I'll send them now to speed her healing. On a dog-related email list I belong to, we call it sending "zen", a sort of non-denominational non-prayer. ;) So sending lots of zen for Roxy to heal quickly and smoothly.
ReplyDeletePoor Roxy. I'm just getting caught up on my blog reading. Hope she's doing well!
Poor little Roxy. Sending zEn that she heals quickly so she can back to the important stuff I've had a couple dogs go through this. I hope they gave her some good meds to help manage the pain. I think that's just as important for healing, especially in the first 48 hours.
ReplyDeleteGet well soon Roxy~♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteWhat a haircut! Ouch! That may be more of an indignity to her than the surgery. :) Please update us on how Roxie and you are doing. She looks great.