Monday, November 21, 2011

Pssst! You there...

Guess what?: I got into something today I shouldn't have:   It was delicious, but my farm girl said it was nasty:And she made me wash my face:That's ok, though, because once my face was clean, I was allowed on the couch for my afternoon nap:And shhhhhh.... tomorrow, I know straight where to go for the good stuff:


  1. You go Girl Rory :@ But please do not tell Meah where the good stuff is!
    LiBBiE in Oz

  2. In the true nature of a farm dog, you got into the ickies. Good Dog!

  3. Ewwww, Roxi! You're still the cutest farm dog ever though.

  4. Higgins has a favorite spot he frequents when we 'get the groceries' or 'check the mail. I'm constantly reminding him to move on.

  5. Roxi, I have to tell you that I love your sweater. You look so sweet in it.

  6. Why do dogs do those things?? Drives me bonkers :p

  7. Oh oh.
    He looks like he knows how to get into trouble, too. ;)
    Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving. ♥

  8. Alexander (the great)November 22, 2011 at 7:54 AM

    It happens even with the best of dogs.
    We love them anyway (ewww)

  9. Maybe we don't want to know what it was. Oy.

  10. I'm cracking up . . . but truthfully I have no idea what that adorable doggie got into. I can only imagine it was poo-poo from one of the critters? I guess I'm still pretty naive about raising critters!

    That Roxy is so darn cute!

  11. I love it that she is doing well enough to get up to some doggie hi-jinks.

    That first pic, with her eyes peeping at us, oh my goodness. She is irresistible!

  12. Roxie and Daisy Lu would be soul mates for sure!! Love the new look Danni! Where have I been!!!

  13. Oh's just like being at my house. Ugh. When will they learn?? I love the new look of your blog too. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  14. Honestly, I think it makes them healthy to get into the ickies. All that bacteria seems to agree with them. Emma and Lucy love to visit the goat pasture for all the little goodies left behind.

  15. Roxy, I have to say you and Winslow Homer are two peas in a pod. Winslow has bathed three times this week and it's only Wednesday! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope you get a drumstick. Your friends from Maine, Julie and Winslow Homer

  16. i hope roxi got a few breathe mints too!

  17. Around here that's called "The Bad Snack".

  18. ah, what all little farm dogs love! I do love her little sweater, and your new layout!!
    happy thanksgiving.

  19. Oh we do that too...especially cat treats...but when it's probably coyote or skunk, ooo, it's disgusting. I GO around outside the dog quarters with the pooper scooper often.

  20. Roxy is such a cutey, even with a messy face. And, so obliging. I do see a little glint in his eye though...better get the hose ready.

  21. Oh but do I know this little doggie story.


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